Theberton Jubilee Village Hall – Activities

Please check the website for the latest information

The Jubilee Hall is owned and operated by Theberton and Eastbridge Community Council on behalf of the community.

The hall can provide table seating for 72 people, up to 80 in lecture format or 90 standing for a buffet event. The kitchen is equipped with cooker, hob, microwave and dishwasher. The car park has space for 20 vehicles at the hall and further parking is available on request. There is easy access and facilities for the disabled. The hall has a premises licence for the sale of alcohol and the provision of entertainment facilities (music, dancing or films). The hire charge includes use of the kitchen (including crockery and cutlery), heating and car parking.


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Theberton Jubilee Village Hall – Activities

The hall is well used and hosts local events such as the Flower and Produce Show, Christmas Bazaar etc.

It is also used on a weekly basis for dog training, line dancing carpet bowls, art classes, and craft club.

Tuesdays      2:30 – 4:00     Improvers Line Dancing

Thursdays    2:00 – 4:00     Carpet Bowls

                      7:30 – 9:00     Intermediate/Advanced Line Dancing

Friday          10:00 – 12:00   Craft Group. Learn new skills and chat over a cuppa. 

Contacts and Hall Bookings: Nick Cooper on 01728 635736 or