Leiston Surgery – Patient Participation Group

The Leiston Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) was formed in 2006.  The group meets every 6 weeks, usually on a Wednesday afternoon.

We are keen to promote our Patient Participation Group and value input and new ideas from new faces. If you feel like you like to be involved, please contact us on the above email address.

We are actively looking for new members who can donate some time to helping support and guide the practice during a period of great change in the NHS.


Visit Leiston

We need patient input and views about how the surgery runs and how it could be improved. There are opportunities to help with specific projects such as our annual survey. The minimum time commitment is 7 or 8 lunchtimes each year.

We are particularly keen to encourage younger patients to join the group and those from ethnic minorities. Speak to the Practice Manager or one of the doctors if you are interested – or email us at leistonsurgery@nhs.net.

Your practice needs you!