Leiston Reading Group

We meet to discuss mainly fiction – a lot of it is recent, although we do try to fit in at least one from a past century. The choice of books is made by people’s suggestions and willingness to do a short introduction to get the discussion (which is often wide ranging) started.


Visit Leiston

The meetings are usually on the first Friday of the month in the afternoon.  We meet sometimes in homes and sometimes in public venues, eg the Long Shop Museum.  Those attending try to share cars to save on carbon footprints.  The area is focussed on Leiston but members do come from Woodbridge, Benhall, Rendlesham.

There is no subscription.  People borrow the books from the library, or buy online and often share.

If you are interested in knowing more, please contact Sue Liddell on codurham@btinternet.com or 01728 832322.  At present we have a membership of 12 which is just about all a home living room can cope with, but do ask.