Go Jauntly Leiston Walks (App)

Walking in Leiston has just become easier thanks to a partnership between East Suffolk Council and walking App Go Jauntly.  You can embark on a journey through the history and greenspaces of Leiston or tackle a puzzle in the grounds of the Abbey with four fantastic walks.

Enjoy the short, accessible walk Leiston Town Trail.

Or enjoy a countryside walk from Leiston Library to Leiston Abbey ruins – some of the most impressive in Suffolk!

The abbey is also the location of two kid-friendly puzzle trails:

The Leiston Abbey Puzzle Trail (Hard)

The Leiston Abbey Puzzle Trail (Easy) is ideal for little ones.


Go Jauntly Leiston Walks (App)

Go Jauntly is a free community-based mobile app to promote walking, wayfinding and nature connection. You can find local walks created by people who know and love them, discover the greenest walking routes from A to B, create your own jaunts and enjoy outdoor adventures with friends and family.

Go Jauntly is available to download, for free, on the App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/go-jauntly-ltd/id1150399086 and the Google Play Store Go Jauntly: Discover Walks – Apps on Google Play

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